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  function getCurrentBlockNumber(
  ) external returns (uint256)
getCurrentBlockNumber get block number

Return Values:

Name Type Description
the current block number
### isContract
  function isContract(
  ) public returns (bool)

isContract detect whether the address is is a contract address or externally owned account

Return Values:

Name Type Description
true address if it is a contract address
### provenanceSignatureIsCorrect
  function provenanceSignatureIsCorrect(
    address _agentId,
    bytes32 _hash,
    bytes _signature
  ) public returns (bool)


Name Type Description
_agentId address The address of the agent
_hash bytes32 bytes32 message, the hash is the signed message. What is recovered is the signer address.
_signature bytes Signatures provided by the agent

Return Values:

Name Type Description
true address if the signature correspond to the agent address
### calculateTotalAmount
  function calculateTotalAmount(
  ) public returns (uint256)

Sum the total amount given an uint array

Return Values:

Name Type Description
the uint256[] total amount