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Implementation of the Access Condition with transfer proof. The idea is that the hash of the decryption key is known before hand, and the key matching this hash is passed from data provider to the buyer using this smart contract. Using ZK proof the key is kept hidden from outsiders. For the protocol to work, both the provider and buyer need to have public keys in the babyjub curve. To initiate the deal, buyer will pass the key hash and the public keys of participants. The provider needs to pass the cipher text encrypted using MIMC (symmetric encryption). The secret key for MIMC is computed using ECDH (requires one public key and one secret key for the curve). The hash function that is used is Poseidon.



  function initialize(
    address _owner,
    address _conditionStoreManagerAddress,
    address _agreementStoreManagerAddress,
    address _disputeManagerAddress
  ) external
initialize init the contract with the following parameters

this function is called only once during the contract initialization.


Name Type Description
_owner address contract's owner account address
_conditionStoreManagerAddress address condition store manager address
_agreementStoreManagerAddress address agreement store manager address
_disputeManagerAddress address dispute manager address


  function hashValues(
    uint256 _origHash,
    uint256[2] _buyer,
    uint256[2] _provider
  ) public returns (bytes32)
hashValues generates the hash of condition inputs with the following parameters


Name Type Description
_origHash uint256 is the hash of the key
_buyer uint256[2] buyer public key
_provider uint256[2] provider public key

Return Values:

Name Type Description
bytes32 uint256 hash of all these values
### fulfill
  function fulfill(
    bytes32 _agreementId,
    uint256 _origHash,
    uint256[2] _buyer,
    uint256[2] _provider,
    uint256[2] _cipher,
    bytes _proof
  ) public returns (enum ConditionStoreLibrary.ConditionState)
fulfill key transfer

The key with hash _origHash is transferred to the _buyer from _provider.


Name Type Description
_agreementId bytes32 associated agreement
_origHash uint256 is the hash of data to access
_buyer uint256[2] buyer public key
_provider uint256[2] provider public key
_cipher uint256[2] encrypted version of the key
_proof bytes SNARK proof that the cipher text can be decrypted by buyer to give the key with hash _origHash

Return Values:

Name Type Description
condition bytes32 state (Fulfilled/Aborted)
## Events
### Fulfilled
  event Fulfilled(