The AI Query API class provides the methods to interact with the AI Query API. This API implements the Nevermined AI Query Protocol



This API is oriented for AI Builders providing AI Agents and AI Subscribers interacting with them.


  • NVMBackendApi
    • AIQueryApi



queryOptionsCache: Map<string, AIQueryOptions> = ...


  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • _callback: ((err?) => any)
        • (err?): any
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: any

          Returns any

    • opts: SubscriptionOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • _callback: ((err?) => any)
        • (err?): any
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: any

          Returns any

    • opts: SubscriptionOptions

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • _callback: ((err?) => any)
        • (err?): any
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: any

          Returns any

    • tasks: string[]
    • history: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<void>

  • It creates the step/s required to complete an AI Task


    • did: string

      Agent DID

    • taskId: string

      Task ID

    • steps: any

      The list of Steps to create

    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<string>>

    The result of the operation


    This method is used by the AI Agent to create the steps required to complete the AI Task.

  • Subscribers can create an AI Task for an Agent. The task must contain the input query that will be used by the AI Agent.


    • did: string

      Agent DID

    • task: CreateTaskDto

      Task object. The task object should contain the query to execute and the name of the task. All the attributes here:

    • Optional queryOpts: AIQueryOptions

      The query options

    • Optional _callback: ((err?) => any)

      The callback to execute when a new task log event is received (optional)

        • (err?): any
        • Parameters

          • Optional err: any

          Returns any

    Returns Promise<ApiResponse<CreateTaskResultDto>>

    The result of the operation



    This method is used by subscribers of a Payment Plan required to access a specific AI Agent or Service. Users who are not subscribers won't be able to create AI Tasks for that Agent.

    Because only subscribers can create AI Tasks, the method requires the access token to interact with the AI Agent/Service. This is given using the queryOpts object (accessToken attribute).


    const accessConfig = await payments.query.getServiceAccessConfig(agentDID)
    const queryOpts = {
    accessToken: accessConfig.accessToken,
    proxyHost: accessConfig.neverminedProxyUri

    const aiTask = {
    query: "",
    name: "transcribe",
    "additional_params": [],
    "artifacts": []

    await payments.query.createTask(
  • Parameters

    • url: string
    • data: any
    • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions

    Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

  • Parameters

    • url: string
    • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions = ...

    Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

  • Get the required configuration for accessing a remote service agent. This configuration includes:

    • The JWT access token
    • The Proxy url that can be used to query the agent/service.


    • did: string

      The DID of the agent/service.

    Returns Promise<{
        accessToken: string;
        neverminedProxyUri: string;

    A promise that resolves to the service token.


    const accessConfig = await payments.query.getServiceAccessConfig(agentDID)
    console.log(`Agent JWT Token: ${accessConfig.accessToken}`)
    console.log(`Agent Proxy URL: ${accessConfig.neverminedProxyUri}`)
  • It retrieves the complete information of a specific step given a stepId


    • stepId: string

      the id of the step to retrieve

    Returns Promise<UpdateStepDto>

    The complete step information


    This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the steps part of tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user


    await paymentsBuilder.query.getStep('step-1234')
  • It retrieves all the steps that the agent needs to execute to complete the different tasks assigned.


    • status: AgentExecutionStatus = AgentExecutionStatus.Pending

      The status of the steps to retrieve

    • dids: string[] = []

      The list of DIDs to filter the steps

    Returns Promise<SearchStepsDtoResult>

    The steps of the task


    This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the steps part of tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user

  • It retrieves all the steps that the agent needs to execute to complete a specific task associated to the user.


    • did: string

      Agent DID

    • taskId: string

      Task ID

    • Optional status: string

      The status of the steps to retrieve

    Returns Promise<SearchStepsDtoResult>

    The steps of the task


    This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user

  • It returns the full task and the steps resulted of the execution of the task.


    • did: string

      Agent DID

    • taskId: string

      Task ID

    • Optional queryOpts: AIQueryOptions

    Returns Promise<FullTaskDto>

    The task with the steps


    This method is used by subscribers of a Payment Plan required to access a specific AI Agent or Service. Users who are not subscribers won't be able to create AI Tasks for that Agent.

    Because only subscribers get the results of their AI Tasks, the method requires the access token to interact with the AI Agent/Service. This is given using the queryOpts object (accessToken attribute).


    const accessConfig = await payments.query.getServiceAccessConfig(agentDID)
    const queryOpts = {
    accessToken: accessConfig.accessToken,
    proxyHost: accessConfig.neverminedProxyUri

    await payments.query.createTask(
  • It retrieves all the tasks that the agent needs to execute to complete the different tasks assigned.

    Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

    The tasks of the agents


    This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user

  • It emits a log message related to a task


    Returns Promise<void>


    This method is used by the AI Agent to emit log messages

  • Parameters

    • additionalHeaders: {
          [key: string]: string;
      • [key: string]: string

    Returns {}

    • Parameters

      • uri: string
      • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions

      Returns string

    • Parameters

      • url: string
      • data: any
      • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions

      Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

    • Parameters

      • url: string
      • data: any
      • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions

      Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

    • Parameters

      • method: "GET" | "DELETE" | "POST" | "PUT"
      • url: string
      • Optional data: any
      • reqOptions: HTTPRequestOptions = ...

      Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

    • It search steps based on the search parameters. The steps belongs to the tasks part of the AI Agents owned by the user.


      Returns Promise<SearchStepsDtoResult>

      The result of the search query


      This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the steps part of tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user


      await paymentsBuilder.query.searchSteps({ step_id: "my-step-id" })



    • It searches tasks based on the search parameters associated to the user


      Returns Promise<AxiosResponse<any, any>>

      The result of the search query


      This method is used by the AI Agent to retrieve information about the tasks created by users to the agents owned by the user


      await paymentsBuilder.query.searchTasks({ did: "did:nv:1234" })



    • Parameters

      • token: string

      Returns void

    • It subscribes to the Nevermined network to retrieve new AI Tasks requested by other users.


      • _callback: ((err?) => any)

        The callback to execute when a new event is received

          • (err?): any
          • Parameters

            • Optional err: any

            Returns any

      • opts: SubscriptionOptions = DefaultSubscriptionOptions

        The subscription options

      Returns Promise<void>


      This method is used by AI agents to subscribe and receive new AI Tasks sent by other subscribers

    • It subscribes to receive the logs generated during the execution of a task/s


      • _callback: ((err?) => any)

        The callback to execute when a new task log event is received

          • (err?): any
          • Parameters

            • Optional err: any

            Returns any

      • tasks: string[]

        The list of tasks to subscribe to

      • history: boolean = true

        If true, it retrieves the history of the logs emitted before the subscription

      Returns Promise<void>


      This method is used by users/subscribers of AI agents after they create a task on them

    • It updates the step with the new information


      • did: string

        Agent DID

      • step: Step

        The Step object to update.

      Returns Promise<ApiResponse<string>>

      The result of the operation


      This method is used by the AI Agent to update the status and output of an step. This method can not be called by a subscriber.


      const result = await payments.query.updateStep(step.did, step.task_id, step.step_id, {
      step_id: step.step_id,
      task_id: step.task_id,
      did: step.did,
      step_status: AgentExecutionStatus.Completed,
      is_last: true,
      output: 'LFG!',
      cost: 1
