Interface CreateServiceDto

interface CreateServiceDto {
    amountOfCredits?: number;
    apiDescription?: string;
    authType?: "basic" | "none" | "oauth" | "bearer";
    curation?: object;
    description: string;
    endpoints?: Endpoint[];
    implementsQueryProtocol?: boolean;
    integration?: string;
    maxCreditsToCharge?: number;
    minCreditsToCharge?: number;
    name: string;
    openApiUrl?: string;
    openEndpoints?: string[];
    password?: string;
    planDID: string;
    sampleLink?: string;
    serviceChargeType: "fixed" | "dynamic";
    serviceType: string;
    tags?: string[];
    token?: string;
    username?: string;
    usesAIHub?: boolean;


amountOfCredits?: number

The amount of credits to charge per request to the agent.

apiDescription?: string

Text describing the API of the Agent.

authType?: "basic" | "none" | "oauth" | "bearer"

The upstream agent/service authentication type ('none', 'basic', 'bearer' or 'oauth').

curation?: object

The curation details.

description: string

The description of the AI Agent/Service.

endpoints?: Endpoint[]

The list endpoints of the upstream service. All these endpoints are protected and only accessible to subscribers of the Payment Plan.

implementsQueryProtocol?: boolean

It the agent implements the Nevermined Query Protocol.

integration?: string

Some description or instructions about how to integrate the Agent.

maxCreditsToCharge?: number

The maximum credits to charge.

minCreditsToCharge?: number

The minimum credits to charge.

name: string

The name of the AI Agent/Service.

openApiUrl?: string

The URL to the OpenAPI description of the Upstream API. The access to the OpenAPI definition don't require subscription to the Payment Plan.

openEndpoints?: string[]

The list of endpoints of the upstream service that publicly available. The access to these endpoints don't require subscription to the Payment Plan. They are useful to expose documentation, etc.

password?: string

The upstream agent/service password for authentication. Only if authType is 'basic'.

planDID: string

The plan unique identifier of the Plan (DID).


createCreditsPlan or createTimePlan

sampleLink?: string

A link to some same usage of the Agent.

serviceChargeType: "fixed" | "dynamic"

The service charge type ('fixed' or 'dynamic').

serviceType: string

The service type ('service', 'agent', or 'assistant').

tags?: string[]

The tags describing the AI Agent/Service.

token?: string

The upstream agent/service bearer token for authentication. Only if authType is 'bearer' or 'oauth'.

username?: string

The upstream agent/service username for authentication. Only if authType is 'basic'.

usesAIHub?: boolean

If the agent is using the AI Hub. If true, the agent will be configured to use the AI Hub endpoints.