Type alias CreateFileDto

CreateFileDto: {
    amountOfCredits?: number;
    assetType: "dataset" | "algorithm" | "model" | "file" | "other";
    curation?: object;
    dataSchema?: string;
    description: string;
    files: object[];
    filesFormat?: string;
    fineTunable?: boolean;
    framework?: string;
    name: string;
    planDID: string;
    programmingLanguage?: string;
    sampleCode?: string;
    tags?: string[];
    task?: string;
    trainingDetails?: string;
    usageExample?: string;
    variations?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional amountOfCredits?: number

    The cost in credits of downloading a file. This parameter is only required if the Payment Plan attached to the file is based on credits.

  • assetType: "dataset" | "algorithm" | "model" | "file" | "other"

    Param: assetType

    The type of asset ('dataset' | 'algorithm' | 'model' | 'file' | 'other')

  • Optional curation?: object

    The curation object.

  • Optional dataSchema?: string

    The data schema of the files.

  • description: string

    The description of the file.

  • files: object[]

    The array of files that can be downloaded for users that are subscribers of the Payment Plan.

  • Optional filesFormat?: string

    The format of the files.

  • Optional fineTunable?: boolean

    Indicates if the file is fine-tunable.

  • Optional framework?: string

    The framework used for creating the file.

  • name: string

    The name of the file.

  • planDID: string

    The plan unique identifier of the Plan (DID).


    createCreditsPlan or createTimePlan

  • Optional programmingLanguage?: string

    The programming language used in the files.

  • Optional sampleCode?: string

    Some sample code related to the file.

  • Optional tags?: string[]

    The array of tags describing the file.

  • Optional task?: string

    The task creating the file.

  • Optional trainingDetails?: string

    The training details.

  • Optional usageExample?: string

    The usage example.

  • Optional variations?: string

    The variations.