@nevermined-io/sdk - v3.1.2 / AgreementTemplate
Name |
Params |
↳ AgreementTemplate
↳↳ BaseTemplate
• new AgreementTemplate<Params
): AgreementTemplate
Name |
Params |
Name | Type |
contractName |
string |
• Private
_conditionTypes: string
• Private
_conditions: ConditionSmall
• address: `0x${string}`
• contract: any
• Readonly
contractName: string
• events: ContractEvent
| SubgraphEvent
• version: string
• get
artifactsFolder(): undefined
| string
| string
• get
circuitsFolder(): undefined
| string
| string
• get
client(): Web3Clients
• get
config(): NeverminedOptions
• get
instanceConfig(): InstantiableConfig
• get
instantiableConfig(): undefined
| InstantiableConfig
| InstantiableConfig
• get
logger(): Logger
• get
nevermined(): Nevermined
• get
publicClient(): Object
Name | Type | Description |
account |
undefined |
The Account of the Client. |
batch? |
{ multicall? : boolean | { batchSize? : number ; wait? : number } } |
Flags for batch settings. |
batch.multicall? |
boolean | { batchSize? : number ; wait? : number } |
Toggle to enable eth_call multicall aggregation. |
cacheTime |
number |
Time (in ms) that cached data will remain in memory. |
call |
(parameters : CallParameters <undefined | Chain >) => Promise <CallReturnType > |
- |
ccipRead? |
false | { request? : (parameters : CcipRequestParameters ) => Promise <`0x${string}`> } |
CCIP Read configuration. |
chain |
undefined | Chain |
Chain for the client. |
createAccessList |
(parameters : CreateAccessListParameters <undefined | Chain >) => Promise <{ accessList : AccessList ; gasUsed : bigint }> |
- |
createBlockFilter |
() => Promise <{ id : `0x${string}` ; request : EIP1193RequestFn <readonly [{ Method : "eth_getFilterChanges" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : `0x${string}`[] | RpcLog [] }, { Method : "eth_getFilterLogs" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : RpcLog [] }, { Method : "eth_uninstallFilter" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : boolean }]> ; type : "block" }> |
- |
createContractEventFilter |
<abi, eventName, args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args : CreateContractEventFilterParameters <abi , eventName , args , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >) => Promise <CreateContractEventFilterReturnType <abi , eventName , args , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >> |
- |
createEventFilter |
<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock, _EventName, _Args>(args? : CreateEventFilterParameters <abiEvent , abiEvents , strict , fromBlock , toBlock , _EventName , _Args >) => Promise <{ [K in string | number | symbol]: Filter<“event”, abiEvents, _EventName, _Args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>[K] }> |
- |
createPendingTransactionFilter |
() => Promise <{ id : `0x${string}` ; request : EIP1193RequestFn <readonly [{ Method : "eth_getFilterChanges" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : `0x${string}`[] | RpcLog [] }, { Method : "eth_getFilterLogs" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : RpcLog [] }, { Method : "eth_uninstallFilter" ; Parameters : [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType : boolean }]> ; type : "transaction" }> |
- |
estimateContractGas |
<chain, abi, functionName, args>(args : EstimateContractGasParameters <abi , functionName , args , chain >) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
estimateFeesPerGas |
<chainOverride, type>(args? : EstimateFeesPerGasParameters <undefined | Chain , chainOverride , type >) => Promise <EstimateFeesPerGasReturnType <type >> |
- |
estimateGas |
(args : EstimateGasParameters <undefined | Chain >) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
estimateMaxPriorityFeePerGas |
<chainOverride>(args? : { chain : null | chainOverride }) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
extend |
<client>(fn : (client : Client <Transport , undefined | Chain , undefined , PublicRpcSchema , PublicActions <Transport , undefined | Chain >>) => client ) => Client <Transport , undefined | Chain , undefined , PublicRpcSchema , { [K in string | number | symbol]: client[K] } & PublicActions <Transport , undefined | Chain >> |
- |
getBalance |
(args : GetBalanceParameters ) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
getBlobBaseFee |
() => Promise <bigint > |
- |
getBlock |
<includeTransactions, blockTag>(args? : GetBlockParameters <includeTransactions , blockTag >) => Promise <{ baseFeePerGas : null | bigint ; blobGasUsed : bigint ; difficulty : bigint ; excessBlobGas : bigint ; extraData : `0x${string}` ; gasLimit : bigint ; gasUsed : bigint ; hash : blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; logsBloom : blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; miner : `0x${string}` ; mixHash : `0x${string}` ; nonce : blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; number : blockTag extends "pending" ? null : bigint ; parentBeaconBlockRoot? : `0x${string}` ; parentHash : `0x${string}` ; receiptsRoot : `0x${string}` ; sealFields : `0x${string}`[] ; sha3Uncles : `0x${string}` ; size : bigint ; stateRoot : `0x${string}` ; timestamp : bigint ; totalDifficulty : null | bigint ; transactions : includeTransactions extends true ? ({ accessList? : undefined ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId? : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice : bigint ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas? : undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas? : undefined ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "legacy" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity? : undefined } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice : bigint ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas? : undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas? : undefined ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip2930" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip1559" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes : readonly `0x${string}`[] ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas : bigint ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip4844" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList : SignedAuthorizationList ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip7702" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number })[] : `0x${string}`[] ; transactionsRoot : `0x${string}` ; uncles : `0x${string}`[] ; withdrawals? : Withdrawal [] ; withdrawalsRoot? : `0x${string}` }> |
- |
getBlockNumber |
(args? : GetBlockNumberParameters ) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
getBlockTransactionCount |
(args? : GetBlockTransactionCountParameters ) => Promise <number > |
- |
getBytecode |
(args : GetCodeParameters ) => Promise <GetCodeReturnType > |
- |
getChainId |
() => Promise <number > |
- |
getCode |
(args : GetCodeParameters ) => Promise <GetCodeReturnType > |
- |
getContractEvents |
<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args : GetContractEventsParameters <abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >) => Promise <GetContractEventsReturnType <abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >> |
- |
getEip712Domain |
(args : GetEip712DomainParameters ) => Promise <GetEip712DomainReturnType > |
- |
getEnsAddress |
(args : { blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; coinType? : number ; gatewayUrls? : string [] ; name : string ; strict? : boolean ; universalResolverAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <GetEnsAddressReturnType > |
- |
getEnsAvatar |
(args : { assetGatewayUrls? : AssetGatewayUrls ; blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; gatewayUrls? : string [] ; name : string ; strict? : boolean ; universalResolverAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <GetEnsAvatarReturnType > |
- |
getEnsName |
(args : { address : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; gatewayUrls? : string [] ; strict? : boolean ; universalResolverAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <GetEnsNameReturnType > |
- |
getEnsResolver |
(args : { blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; name : string ; universalResolverAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
getEnsText |
(args : { blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; gatewayUrls? : string [] ; key : string ; name : string ; strict? : boolean ; universalResolverAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <GetEnsTextReturnType > |
- |
getFeeHistory |
(args : GetFeeHistoryParameters ) => Promise <GetFeeHistoryReturnType > |
- |
getFilterChanges |
<filterType, abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args : GetFilterChangesParameters <filterType , abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >) => Promise <GetFilterChangesReturnType <filterType , abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >> |
- |
getFilterLogs |
<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args : GetFilterLogsParameters <abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >) => Promise <GetFilterLogsReturnType <abi , eventName , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >> |
- |
getGasPrice |
() => Promise <bigint > |
- |
getLogs |
<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args? : GetLogsParameters <abiEvent , abiEvents , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >) => Promise <GetLogsReturnType <abiEvent , abiEvents , strict , fromBlock , toBlock >> |
- |
getProof |
(args : GetProofParameters ) => Promise <GetProofReturnType > |
- |
getStorageAt |
(args : GetStorageAtParameters ) => Promise <GetStorageAtReturnType > |
- |
getTransaction |
<blockTag>(args : GetTransactionParameters <blockTag >) => Promise <{ accessList? : undefined ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId? : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice : bigint ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas? : undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas? : undefined ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "legacy" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity? : undefined } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice : bigint ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas? : undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas? : undefined ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip2930" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip1559" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList? : undefined ; blobVersionedHashes : readonly `0x${string}`[] ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas : bigint ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip4844" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number } | { accessList : AccessList ; authorizationList : SignedAuthorizationList ; blobVersionedHashes? : undefined ; blockHash : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId : number ; from : `0x${string}` ; gas : bigint ; gasPrice? : undefined ; hash : `0x${string}` ; input : `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas? : undefined ; maxFeePerGas : bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas : bigint ; nonce : number ; r : `0x${string}` ; s : `0x${string}` ; to : null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex : blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type : "eip7702" ; typeHex : null | `0x${string}` ; v : bigint ; value : bigint ; yParity : number }> |
- |
getTransactionConfirmations |
(args : GetTransactionConfirmationsParameters <undefined | Chain >) => Promise <bigint > |
- |
getTransactionCount |
(args : GetTransactionCountParameters ) => Promise <number > |
- |
getTransactionReceipt |
(args : GetTransactionReceiptParameters ) => Promise <TransactionReceipt > |
- |
key |
string |
A key for the client. |
multicall |
<contracts, allowFailure>(args : MulticallParameters <contracts , allowFailure >) => Promise <MulticallReturnType <contracts , allowFailure >> |
- |
name |
string |
A name for the client. |
pollingInterval |
number |
Frequency (in ms) for polling enabled actions & events. Defaults to 4_000 milliseconds. |
prepareTransactionRequest |
<request, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args : PrepareTransactionRequestParameters <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride , accountOverride , request >) => Promise <{ [K in string | number | symbol]: (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<(…), (…)> & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)) & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)), IsNever<(…)> extends true ? unknown : ExactPartial<(…)>> & Object, ParameterTypeToParameters<request[“parameters”] extends readonly PrepareTransactionRequestParameterType[] ? any[any][number] : “type” | “fees” | “gas” | “nonce” | “blobVersionedHashes” | “chainId”>> & (unknown extends request[“kzg”] ? Object : Pick<request, “kzg”>))[K] }> |
- |
readContract |
<abi, functionName, args>(args : ReadContractParameters <abi , functionName , args >) => Promise <ReadContractReturnType <abi , functionName , args >> |
- |
request |
EIP1193RequestFn <PublicRpcSchema > |
Request function wrapped with friendly error handling |
sendRawTransaction |
(args : SendRawTransactionParameters ) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
simulate |
<calls>(args : SimulateParameters <calls >) => Promise <SimulateReturnType <calls >> |
- |
simulateContract |
<abi, functionName, args, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args : SimulateContractParameters <abi , functionName , args , undefined | Chain , chainOverride , accountOverride >) => Promise <SimulateContractReturnType <abi , functionName , args , undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride , accountOverride >> |
- |
transport |
TransportConfig <string , EIP1193RequestFn > & Record <string , any > |
The RPC transport |
type |
string |
The type of client. |
uid |
string |
A unique ID for the client. |
uninstallFilter |
(args : UninstallFilterParameters ) => Promise <boolean > |
- |
verifyMessage |
(args : { address : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; factory? : `0x${string}` ; factoryData? : `0x${string}` ; message : SignableMessage ; signature : `0x${string}` | Signature | Uint8Array ; universalSignatureVerifierAddress? : `0x${string}` }) => Promise <boolean > |
- |
verifySiweMessage |
(args : { address? : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber? : bigint ; blockTag? : BlockTag ; domain? : string ; message : string ; nonce? : string ; scheme? : string ; signature : `0x${string}` ; time? : Date }) => Promise <boolean > |
- |
verifyTypedData |
(args : VerifyTypedDataParameters ) => Promise <boolean > |
- |
waitForTransactionReceipt |
(args : WaitForTransactionReceiptParameters <undefined | Chain >) => Promise <TransactionReceipt > |
- |
watchBlockNumber |
(args : WatchBlockNumberParameters ) => WatchBlockNumberReturnType |
- |
watchBlocks |
<includeTransactions, blockTag>(args : WatchBlocksParameters <Transport , undefined | Chain , includeTransactions , blockTag >) => WatchBlocksReturnType |
- |
watchContractEvent |
<abi, eventName, strict>(args : WatchContractEventParameters <abi , eventName , strict , Transport >) => WatchContractEventReturnType |
- |
watchEvent |
<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict>(args : WatchEventParameters <abiEvent , abiEvents , strict , Transport >) => WatchEventReturnType |
- |
watchPendingTransactions |
(args : WatchPendingTransactionsParameters <Transport >) => WatchPendingTransactionsReturnType |
- |
• get
walletClient(): Object
Name | Type | Description |
account |
undefined | Account |
The Account of the Client. |
addChain |
(args : AddChainParameters ) => Promise <void > |
- |
batch? |
{ multicall? : boolean | { batchSize? : number ; wait? : number } } |
Flags for batch settings. |
batch.multicall? |
boolean | { batchSize? : number ; wait? : number } |
Toggle to enable eth_call multicall aggregation. |
cacheTime |
number |
Time (in ms) that cached data will remain in memory. |
ccipRead? |
false | { request? : (parameters : CcipRequestParameters ) => Promise <`0x${string}`> } |
CCIP Read configuration. |
chain |
undefined | Chain |
Chain for the client. |
deployContract |
<abi, chainOverride>(args : DeployContractParameters <abi , undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride >) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
extend |
<client>(fn : (client : Client <Transport , undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , WalletRpcSchema , WalletActions <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account >>) => client ) => Client <Transport , undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , WalletRpcSchema , { [K in string | number | symbol]: client[K] } & WalletActions <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account >> |
- |
getAddresses |
() => Promise <GetAddressesReturnType > |
- |
getChainId |
() => Promise <number > |
- |
getPermissions |
() => Promise <GetPermissionsReturnType > |
- |
key |
string |
A key for the client. |
name |
string |
A name for the client. |
pollingInterval |
number |
Frequency (in ms) for polling enabled actions & events. Defaults to 4_000 milliseconds. |
prepareTransactionRequest |
<request, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args : PrepareTransactionRequestParameters <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride , accountOverride , request >) => Promise <{ [K in string | number | symbol]: (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<(…), (…)> & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)) & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)), IsNever<(…)> extends true ? unknown : ExactPartial<(…)>> & Object, ParameterTypeToParameters<request[“parameters”] extends readonly PrepareTransactionRequestParameterType[] ? any[any][number] : “type” | “fees” | “gas” | “nonce” | “blobVersionedHashes” | “chainId”>> & (unknown extends request[“kzg”] ? Object : Pick<request, “kzg”>))[K] }> |
- |
request |
EIP1193RequestFn <WalletRpcSchema > |
Request function wrapped with friendly error handling |
requestAddresses |
() => Promise <RequestAddressesReturnType > |
- |
requestPermissions |
(args : { eth_accounts : Record <string , any > }) => Promise <RequestPermissionsReturnType > |
- |
sendRawTransaction |
(args : SendRawTransactionParameters ) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
sendTransaction |
<request, chainOverride>(args : SendTransactionParameters <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride , request >) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
signMessage |
(args : SignMessageParameters <undefined | Account >) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
signTransaction |
<chainOverride, request>(args : SignTransactionParameters <undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride , request >) => Promise <TransactionSerialized <GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never >, GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never > extends "eip1559" ? `0x02${string}` : never | GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never > extends "eip2930" ? `0x01${string}` : never | GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never > extends "eip4844" ? `0x03${string}` : never | GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never > extends "eip7702" ? `0x04${string}` : never | GetTransactionType <request , request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request ["type" ] extends undefined | string ? Extract <any [any ], string > : never > extends "legacy" ? TransactionSerializedLegacy : never >> |
- |
signTypedData |
<typedData, primaryType>(args : SignTypedDataParameters <typedData , primaryType , undefined | Account >) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
switchChain |
(args : SwitchChainParameters ) => Promise <void > |
- |
transport |
TransportConfig <string , EIP1193RequestFn > & Record <string , any > |
The RPC transport |
type |
string |
The type of client. |
uid |
string |
A unique ID for the client. |
watchAsset |
(args : WatchAssetParams ) => Promise <boolean > |
- |
writeContract |
<abi, functionName, args, chainOverride>(args : WriteContractParameters <abi , functionName , args , undefined | Chain , undefined | Account , chainOverride >) => Promise <`0x${string}`> |
- |
▸ agreementId(agreementIdSeed
, creator
): Promise
Name | Type |
agreementIdSeed |
string |
creator |
string |
▸ call<T
, args
, from?
): Promise
Name |
T |
Name | Type |
functionName |
string |
args |
any [] |
from? |
string |
▸ createAgreement(agreementId
, did
, conditionIds
, timeLocks
, timeOuts
, extraArgs
, from
, txParams?
): Promise
Name | Type |
agreementId |
string |
did |
string |
conditionIds |
string [] |
timeLocks |
number [] |
timeOuts |
number [] |
extraArgs |
any [] |
from |
NvmAccount |
txParams? |
TxParameters |
▸ createAgreementAndPay(agreementId
, did
, conditionIds
, timeLocks
, timeOuts
, accessConsumer
, condIdx
, rewardAddress
, tokenAddress
, amounts
, receivers
, from
, txParams?
): Promise
Name | Type |
agreementId |
string |
did |
string |
conditionIds |
string [] |
timeLocks |
number [] |
timeOuts |
number [] |
accessConsumer |
string |
condIdx |
number |
rewardAddress |
string |
tokenAddress |
string |
amounts |
bigint [] |
receivers |
string [] |
from |
NvmAccount |
txParams? |
TxParameters |
▸ createAgreementFromDDO(agreementIdSeed
, ddo
, parameters
, consumer
, timeOuts?
, txParams?
): Promise
Create a new agreement using the data of a DDO.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementIdSeed |
string |
- |
ddo |
DDO. |
parameters |
Params |
consumer |
NvmAccount |
- |
timeOuts? |
number [] |
- |
txParams? |
TxParameters |
- |
true if the call was successful.
▸ createAgreementWithPaymentFromDDO(agreementIdSeed
, ddo
, serviceReference
, parameters
, consumer
, from
, txParams?
, observer?
): Promise
Name | Type |
agreementIdSeed |
string |
ddo |
serviceReference |
number | ServiceType |
parameters |
Params |
consumer |
NvmAccount |
from |
NvmAccount |
txParams? |
TxParameters |
observer? |
(orderProgressStep : OrderProgressStep ) => void |
▸ getAgreementCreatedEvent(agreementId
): Promise
Generates and returns the agreement creation event.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementId |
string |
Agreement ID. |
Agreement created event.
▸ getAgreementIdsFromDDO(agreementId
, ddo
, creator
, params
): Promise
Get agreement conditions IDs.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementId |
string |
Agreement ID. |
ddo |
DDO. |
creator |
string |
- |
params |
Params |
- |
The condition IDs.
▸ getAgreementStatus(agreementId
): Promise
| AgreementConditionsStatus
Returns the status of the conditions.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementId |
string |
Agreement ID. |
| AgreementConditionsStatus
The conditions status.
▸ getAgreementsForDID(did
): Promise
Name | Type |
did |
string |
▸ getConditionTypes(): Promise
Conditions address list.
A list of condition addresses.
▸ getConditions(): Promise
List of condition contracts.
A list of condition contracts.
▸ getFromAddress(from?
): Promise
Name | Type |
from? |
string |
▸ getServiceAgreementTemplate(): ServiceAgreementTemplate
▸ getServiceAgreementTemplateConditionByRef(ref
): Promise
| ConditionSmall
Name | Type |
ref |
string |
| ConditionSmall
▸ getServiceAgreementTemplateConditions(): ServiceAgreementTemplateCondition
▸ getServiceAgreementTemplateDependencies(): Promise
<{ [condition: string]
: string
[]; }>
<{ [condition: string]
: string
[]; }>
▸ getTransactionLogs(txReceipt
, eventName
): ParseEventLogsReturnType
, string
, false
, string
Name | Type |
txReceipt |
TransactionReceipt |
eventName |
string |
, string
, false
, string
▸ init(config
, optional?
, contractAddress?
): Promise
Name | Type | Default value |
config |
InstantiableConfig |
undefined |
optional |
boolean |
false |
contractAddress? |
string |
undefined |
▸ instanceFromDDO(agreementIdSeed
, ddo
, creator
, parameters
, serviceIndex?
): Promise
Name | Type |
agreementIdSeed |
string |
ddo |
creator |
string |
parameters |
Params |
serviceIndex? |
number |
▸ lockConditionIndex(): number
▸ lockTokens(tokenAddress
, amounts
, from
, txParams?
): Promise
Name | Type |
tokenAddress |
any |
amounts |
any |
from |
NvmAccount |
txParams? |
TxParameters |
▸ params(...args
): Params
Name | Type |
...args |
any [] |
▸ paymentData(service
): Promise
Name | Type |
service |
ServiceCommon |
▸ printAgreementStatus(agreementId
): Promise
Prints the agreement status.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementId |
string |
Agreement ID. |
▸ send(functionName
, from
, args
, params?
): Promise
Name | Type |
functionName |
string |
from |
NvmAccount |
args |
any [] |
params |
TxParameters |
▸ sendFrom(functionName
, args
, from
, value?
): Promise
Name | Type |
functionName |
string |
args |
any [] |
from |
NvmAccount |
value? |
TxParameters |
▸ service(): ServiceType
▸ setInstanceConfig(config
): void
Name | Type |
config |
InstantiableConfig |
▸ someLog(logs
): undefined
Name | Type |
logs |
any [] |
▸ standardContext(ddo
, creator
, serviceIndex?
): ConditionContext
Name | Type |
ddo |
creator |
string |
serviceIndex? |
number |
▸ getInstance<Params
, templateContractName
, templateClass
, optional?
): Promise
Name |
Params |
Name | Type | Default value |
config |
InstantiableConfig |
undefined |
templateContractName |
string |
undefined |
templateClass |
any |
undefined |
optional |
boolean |
false |
▸ setInstanceConfig<T
, instantiableConfig
): void
Name | Type |
T |
extends Instantiable |
Name | Type |
instance |
T |
instantiableConfig |
InstantiableConfig |