@nevermined-io/sdk - v3.1.2 / NvmApp
Represents the NvmApp class which is the main entry point for interacting with the Nevermined SDK.
• new NvmApp(config
): NvmApp
Represents the NvmApp class.
Name | Type | Description |
config |
NeverminedAppOptions |
The configuration options for the Nevermined App. |
• assetProviders: NeverminedNodeInfo
[] = []
• Private
configNVM: NeverminedAppOptions
• Private
fullSDK: undefined
| Nevermined
• Private
loginCredentials: undefined
| string
• Private
networkFee: undefined
| bigint
• Private
networkFeeReceiver: undefined
| string
• Private
searchSDK: Nevermined
• Private
userAccount: undefined
| NvmAccount
• Private
zeroDevSignerAccount: undefined
| SmartAccount
▪ Static
defaultAppInitializationOptions: NeverminedInitializationOptions
Default initialization options for the Nevermined application.
• get
config(): NeverminedOptions
Gets the configuration options for the Nevermined application.
The configuration options for the Nevermined application.
• get
networkFees(): Object
Gets the network fees.
An object containing the receiver and fee.
Name | Type |
fee |
bigint |
receiver |
string |
• get
sdk(): Nevermined
Gets the Nevermined SDK instance.
The Nevermined SDK instance.
If Web3 is not connected, try calling the connect method first.
• get
search(): SearchApi
Gets the SearchApi instance.
The SearchApi instance.
• get
services(): ServicesApi
Gets the Services API instance.
The Services API instance.
▸ addNetworkFee(price
): AssetPrice
Adds the network fee to the given asset price. If the network fee is not already included in the price, it adjusts the price to include the network fees.
Name | Type | Description |
price |
AssetPrice |
The asset price to which the network fee will be added. |
The updated asset price with the network fee included, or the original price if the network fee is already included.
▸ claimSubscription(agreementId
, subscriptionDid
, numberCredits
, serviceIndex?
): Promise
Claims a subscription by transferring the specified number of credits from the subscription owner to the user’s account.
Name | Type | Description |
agreementId |
string |
The ID of the agreement associated with the subscription. |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The DID (Decentralized Identifier) of the subscription. |
numberCredits |
bigint |
The number of credits to be claimed. |
serviceIndex? |
number |
(Optional) The index of the service within the subscription. |
A Promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the claim was successful.
If Web3 is not connected or if there is an error claiming the NFT of the subscription.
▸ connect(account
, message?
, config?
, initOptions?
): Promise
<{ marketplaceAuthToken
: string
; userAccount
: NvmAccount
; zeroDevSignerAccount
: undefined
| SmartAccount
> }>
Connects to the Nevermined network and initializes the NvmApp instance.
Name | Type | Description |
account |
string | NvmAccount | object & Assign_ <SmartAccountImplementation <Abi , EntryPointVersion , object >, { address : `0x${string}` ; getNonce : (parameters? : { key? : bigint }) => Promise <bigint > ; isDeployed : () => Promise <boolean > ; type : "smart" }> & { address : `0x${string}` ; getNonce : (parameters? : { key? : bigint }) => Promise <bigint > ; isDeployed : () => Promise <boolean > ; type : "smart" } |
The account to connect with. It can be either a string representing the account address or an instance of the Account class. |
message? |
string |
An optional message to include in the client assertion for authentication. |
config? |
NeverminedOptions |
Optional configuration options for the Nevermined instance. |
initOptions? |
NeverminedInitializationOptions |
Optional initialization options for the Nevermined instance. |
<{ marketplaceAuthToken
: string
; userAccount
: NvmAccount
; zeroDevSignerAccount
: undefined
| SmartAccount
> }>
An object containing the marketplace authentication token, user account, and zeroDev signer account (if applicable).
▸ createCreditsSubscription(susbcriptionMetadata
, subscriptionPrice
, numberCredits
, subscriptionNFTContractCreditsAddress?
): SubscribablePromise
Creates a credits subscription.
Name | Type | Description |
susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
The metadata for the subscription. |
subscriptionPrice |
AssetPrice |
The price of the subscription. |
numberCredits |
bigint |
The number of credits for the subscription. |
subscriptionNFTContractCreditsAddress? |
string |
- |
A SubscribablePromise
that resolves to a DDO
object representing the created subscription.
If Web3 is not connected.
If the validation of the subscription fails.
▸ createCreditsSubscriptionAsync(susbcriptionMetadata
, subscriptionPrice
, numberCredits
): Promise
Creates a credits subscription asynchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
The metadata for the subscription. |
subscriptionPrice |
AssetPrice |
The price of the subscription. |
numberCredits |
bigint |
The number of credits for the subscription. |
A Promise that resolves to a DDO (Decentralized Data Object).
▸ createTimeSubscription(susbcriptionMetadata
, subscriptionPrice
, duration
, subscriptionNFTContractTimeAddress?
): SubscribablePromise
Creates a time-based subscription for a given asset.
Name | Type | Description |
susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
The metadata of the subscription. |
subscriptionPrice |
AssetPrice |
The price of the subscription. |
duration |
number |
The duration of the subscription in seconds. |
subscriptionNFTContractTimeAddress? |
string |
- |
A promise that resolves to the progress steps and the resulting DDO (Decentralized Data Object).
If Web3 is not connected.
If the validation of the subscription fails.
▸ createTimeSubscriptionAsync(susbcriptionMetadata
, subscriptionPrice
, duration
): Promise
Creates a time-based subscription asynchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
The metadata for the subscription. |
subscriptionPrice |
AssetPrice |
The price of the subscription. |
duration |
number |
The duration of the subscription in seconds. |
A Promise that resolves to the DDO (Decentralized Data Object) of the created subscription.
▸ disconnect(): Promise
Disconnects the NvmApp from the current web3 provider. Clears the fullSDK instance and resets the user account, zeroDevSigner settings, and login credentials.
▸ downloadFiles(fileAssetDid
, fileIndex?
, destinationPath?
, agreementId?
): Promise
Downloads files associated with a given file asset DID.
Name | Type | Description |
fileAssetDid |
string |
The DID of the file asset. |
fileIndex? |
number |
(Optional) The index of the file to download if the file asset contains multiple files. |
destinationPath? |
string |
(Optional) The path where the downloaded files will be saved. |
agreementId? |
string |
(Optional) The ID of the agreement associated with the file asset. |
A Promise that resolves to an OperationResult object containing the agreement ID and the success status of the download operation.
If there is an error downloading the files.
▸ getBalance(subscriptionDid
, accountAddress?
): Promise
Retrieves the balance and subscription information for a given subscription DID and account address. If no account address is provided, the user’s account ID will be used.
Name | Type | Description |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The DID (Decentralized Identifier) of the subscription. |
accountAddress? |
string |
(Optional) The Ethereum address of the account. If not provided, the user’s account ID will be used. |
A Promise that resolves to a SubscriptionBalance object containing the subscription type, balance, and access information.
If the Web3 provider is not connected.
If there is an error retrieving the subscription information.
▸ getEncryptedAPIKey(sessionKey
): Promise
It gets an encrypted Nevermined API Key that can be used to interact with the Nevermined. The generation of the API Key requires to have a ZeroDev Session Key that is given as parameter to this method.
Name | Type | Description |
sessionKey |
string |
The Zero Dev Session Key. |
A encrypted Nevermined API Key.
If Web3 is not connected. Call the connect method first.
▸ getLoginCredentials(): undefined
| string
Retrieves the login credentials.
| string
The login credentials as a string, or undefined if not set.
▸ getProviderAddresses(): string
▸ getServiceAccessToken(serviceDid
): Promise
Retrieves the service access token for a given service DID.
Name | Type | Description |
serviceDid |
string |
The service DID for which to retrieve the access token. |
A promise that resolves to the subscription token.
If Web3 is not connected. Call the connect method first.
▸ initializeSearch(config?
): Promise
Initializes the search functionality of the Nevermined App.
Name | Type | Description |
config? |
NeverminedAppOptions |
Optional configuration options for the Nevermined App. |
A Promise that resolves to void.
▸ isNetworkFeeIncluded(price
): boolean
Checks if the network fee is included in the given asset price.
Name | Type | Description |
price |
AssetPrice |
The asset price to check. |
A boolean indicating whether the network fee is included.
▸ isWeb3Connected(): boolean
Checks if the web3 provider is connected.
True if the web3 provider is connected, false otherwise.
▸ orderSubscription(subscriptionDid
, numberCredits
, serviceIndex?
): SubscribablePromise
, string
Orders a subscription for a given NFT.
Name | Type | Description |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The DID of the subscription NFT. |
numberCredits |
bigint |
The number of credits to be used for the subscription. |
serviceIndex? |
number |
(Optional) The index of the service to be used for the subscription. |
, string
A SubscribablePromise
that resolves to the progress of the order or rejects with an error message.
If Web3 is not connected.
If there is an error ordering the subscription.
▸ orderSubscriptionAsync(subscriptionDid
, agreementId?
): Promise
Orders a subscription and claim asynchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The DID of the subscription. |
agreementId? |
string |
The ID of the agreement (optional). |
A Promise that resolves to an OperationResult object.
If Web3 is not connected.
If there is an error ordering the subscription.
▸ registerFileAsset(metadata
, subscriptionDid
, costInCredits?
, nftContractAddress
): SubscribablePromise
Registers a file asset by creating a new DDO (Decentralized Data Object) on the network.
Name | Type | Description |
metadata |
MetaData |
The metadata of the file asset. |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The subscription DID (Decentralized Identifier) associated with the file asset. |
costInCredits |
bigint |
The cost of the file asset in credits (default is 1). |
nftContractAddress |
string |
The address of the NFT contract associated with the file asset. |
A SubscribablePromise
that resolves to a DDO
(Decentralized Data Object) representing the registered file asset.
If the Web3 connection is not established.
If the file asset metadata is not valid.
▸ registerFileAssetAsync(metadata
, subscriptionDid
, costInCredits?
, nftContractAddress
): Promise
Registers a file asset asynchronously.
Name | Type | Description |
metadata |
MetaData |
The metadata of the file asset. |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The subscription DID. |
costInCredits |
bigint |
The cost in credits (default: 1n). |
nftContractAddress |
string |
- |
A Promise that resolves to the registered DDO (Decentralized Data Object).
▸ registerServiceAsset(metadata
, subscriptionDid
, costInCredits?
, minCreditsToCharge?
, maxCreditsToCharge?
, nftContractAddress
): SubscribablePromise
Registers a service asset.
Name | Type | Description |
metadata |
MetaData |
The metadata of the asset. |
subscriptionDid |
string |
The subscription DID. |
costInCredits |
bigint |
The cost in credits (default: 1). |
minCreditsToCharge |
bigint |
The minimum credits required to charge (default: 1). |
maxCreditsToCharge |
bigint |
The maximum credits to charge (default: 1). |
nftContractAddress |
string |
The address of the NFT contract associated with the file asset. |
A promise that resolves to the progress steps and the registered DDO.
If Web3 is not connected.
If the metadata validation fails.
▸ registerServiceAssetAsync(metadata
, subscriptionDid
, costInCredits?
, minCreditsToCharge?
, maxCreditsToCharge?
, nftContractAddress
): Promise
Name | Type |
metadata |
MetaData |
subscriptionDid |
string |
costInCredits |
bigint |
minCreditsToCharge |
bigint |
maxCreditsToCharge |
bigint |
nftContractAddress |
string |
▸ updateAsset(did
, metadata
): SubscribablePromise
Updates the metadata of an asset.
Name | Type | Description |
did |
string |
The decentralized identifier (DID) of the asset. |
metadata |
MetaData |
The updated metadata for the asset. |
A SubscribablePromise
that resolves to the updated DDO
(Decentralized Data Object).
If Web3 is not connected. Call the connect
method first.
▸ updateAssetAsync(did
, metadata
): Promise
Updates the asset with the specified DID using the provided metadata.
Name | Type | Description |
did |
string |
The DID (Decentralized Identifier) of the asset to update. |
metadata |
MetaData |
The updated metadata for the asset. |
A Promise that resolves to the updated DDO (Decentralized Data Object) of the asset.
▸ validateFileAssetMetadata(_susbcriptionMetadata
): MetadataValidationResults
Name | Type |
_susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
▸ validateServiceAssetMetadata(_susbcriptionMetadata
): MetadataValidationResults
Name | Type |
_susbcriptionMetadata |
MetaData |
▸ validateSubscription(metadata
, price
, subscriptionType
): MetadataValidationResults
Name | Type |
metadata |
MetaData |
price |
AssetPrice |
subscriptionType |
SubscriptionType |
▸ getConfigFromTagName(appEnv
): NeverminedOptions
Name | Type |
appEnv |
NVMAppEnvironments |
▸ getInstance(appEnv
, config?
): Promise
Returns an instance of the NvmApp class.
Name | Type | Description |
appEnv |
NVMAppEnvironments |
The environment for the NvmApp instance. |
config? |
Partial <NeverminedOptions | NeverminedAppOptions > |
Optional configuration options for the NvmApp instance. |
A Promise that resolves to an instance of the NvmApp class.
▸ switchConfigBetweenEnvs(appEnv
): NeverminedOptions
Name | Type |
appEnv |
NVMAppEnvironments |