
@nevermined-io/sdk - v3.0.48 / Providers

Class: Providers

Providers API that allows the basic management of the provider accounts associated to an asset.


Table of contents






new Providers(config): Providers


Name Type
config InstantiableConfig





Defined in




get artifactsFolder(): undefined | string


undefined | string

Inherited from


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get circuitsFolder(): undefined | string


undefined | string

Inherited from


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get client(): Web3Clients



Inherited from


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get config(): NeverminedOptions



Inherited from


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get instanceConfig(): InstantiableConfig



Inherited from


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get instantiableConfig(): undefined | InstantiableConfig


undefined | InstantiableConfig

Inherited from


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get logger(): Logger



Inherited from


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get nevermined(): Nevermined



Inherited from


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get publicClient(): Object



Name Type Description
account undefined The Account of the Client.
batch? { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number ; wait?: number } } Flags for batch settings.
batch.multicall? boolean | { batchSize?: number ; wait?: number } Toggle to enable eth_call multicall aggregation.
cacheTime number Time (in ms) that cached data will remain in memory.
call (parameters: CallParameters<undefined | Chain>) => Promise<CallReturnType> -
ccipRead? false | { request?: (parameters: CcipRequestParameters) => Promise<`0x${string}`> } CCIP Read configuration.
chain undefined | Chain Chain for the client.
createAccessList (parameters: CreateAccessListParameters<undefined | Chain>) => Promise<{ accessList: AccessList ; gasUsed: bigint }> -
createBlockFilter () => Promise<{ id: `0x${string}` ; request: EIP1193RequestFn<readonly [{ Method: "eth_getFilterChanges" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: `0x${string}`[] | RpcLog[] }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: RpcLog[] }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: boolean }]> ; type: "block" }> -
createContractEventFilter <abi, eventName, args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args: CreateContractEventFilterParameters<abi, eventName, args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>) => Promise<CreateContractEventFilterReturnType<abi, eventName, args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>> -
createEventFilter <abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock, _EventName, _Args>(args?: CreateEventFilterParameters<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock, _EventName, _Args>) => Promise<{ [K in string | number | symbol]: Filter<“event”, abiEvents, _EventName, _Args, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>[K] }> -
createPendingTransactionFilter () => Promise<{ id: `0x${string}` ; request: EIP1193RequestFn<readonly [{ Method: "eth_getFilterChanges" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: `0x${string}`[] | RpcLog[] }, { Method: "eth_getFilterLogs" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: RpcLog[] }, { Method: "eth_uninstallFilter" ; Parameters: [filterId: `0x${string}`] ; ReturnType: boolean }]> ; type: "transaction" }> -
estimateContractGas <chain, abi, functionName, args>(args: EstimateContractGasParameters<abi, functionName, args, chain>) => Promise<bigint> -
estimateFeesPerGas <chainOverride, type>(args?: EstimateFeesPerGasParameters<undefined | Chain, chainOverride, type>) => Promise<EstimateFeesPerGasReturnType<type>> -
estimateGas (args: EstimateGasParameters<undefined | Chain>) => Promise<bigint> -
estimateMaxPriorityFeePerGas <chainOverride>(args?: { chain: null | chainOverride }) => Promise<bigint> -
extend <client>(fn: (client: Client<Transport, undefined | Chain, undefined, PublicRpcSchema, PublicActions<Transport, undefined | Chain>>) => client) => Client<Transport, undefined | Chain, undefined, PublicRpcSchema, { [K in string | number | symbol]: client[K] } & PublicActions<Transport, undefined | Chain>> -
getBalance (args: GetBalanceParameters) => Promise<bigint> -
getBlobBaseFee () => Promise<bigint> -
getBlock <includeTransactions, blockTag>(args?: GetBlockParameters<includeTransactions, blockTag>) => Promise<{ baseFeePerGas: null | bigint ; blobGasUsed: bigint ; difficulty: bigint ; excessBlobGas: bigint ; extraData: `0x${string}` ; gasLimit: bigint ; gasUsed: bigint ; hash: blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; logsBloom: blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; miner: `0x${string}` ; mixHash: `0x${string}` ; nonce: blockTag extends "pending" ? null : `0x${string}` ; number: blockTag extends "pending" ? null : bigint ; parentBeaconBlockRoot?: `0x${string}` ; parentHash: `0x${string}` ; receiptsRoot: `0x${string}` ; sealFields: `0x${string}`[] ; sha3Uncles: `0x${string}` ; size: bigint ; stateRoot: `0x${string}` ; timestamp: bigint ; totalDifficulty: null | bigint ; transactions: includeTransactions extends true ? ({ accessList?: undefined ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId?: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice: bigint ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas?: undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "legacy" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity?: undefined } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice: bigint ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas?: undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip2930" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip1559" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes: readonly `0x${string}`[] ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas: bigint ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip4844" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList: SignedAuthorizationList ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip7702" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number })[] : `0x${string}`[] ; transactionsRoot: `0x${string}` ; uncles: `0x${string}`[] ; withdrawals?: Withdrawal[] ; withdrawalsRoot?: `0x${string}` }> -
getBlockNumber (args?: GetBlockNumberParameters) => Promise<bigint> -
getBlockTransactionCount (args?: GetBlockTransactionCountParameters) => Promise<number> -
getBytecode (args: GetCodeParameters) => Promise<GetCodeReturnType> -
getChainId () => Promise<number> -
getCode (args: GetCodeParameters) => Promise<GetCodeReturnType> -
getContractEvents <abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args: GetContractEventsParameters<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>) => Promise<GetContractEventsReturnType<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>> -
getEip712Domain (args: GetEip712DomainParameters) => Promise<GetEip712DomainReturnType> -
getEnsAddress (args: { blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; coinType?: number ; gatewayUrls?: string[] ; name: string ; strict?: boolean ; universalResolverAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<GetEnsAddressReturnType> -
getEnsAvatar (args: { assetGatewayUrls?: AssetGatewayUrls ; blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; gatewayUrls?: string[] ; name: string ; strict?: boolean ; universalResolverAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<GetEnsAvatarReturnType> -
getEnsName (args: { address: `0x${string}` ; blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; gatewayUrls?: string[] ; strict?: boolean ; universalResolverAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<GetEnsNameReturnType> -
getEnsResolver (args: { blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; name: string ; universalResolverAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
getEnsText (args: { blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; gatewayUrls?: string[] ; key: string ; name: string ; strict?: boolean ; universalResolverAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<GetEnsTextReturnType> -
getFeeHistory (args: GetFeeHistoryParameters) => Promise<GetFeeHistoryReturnType> -
getFilterChanges <filterType, abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args: GetFilterChangesParameters<filterType, abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>) => Promise<GetFilterChangesReturnType<filterType, abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>> -
getFilterLogs <abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args: GetFilterLogsParameters<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>) => Promise<GetFilterLogsReturnType<abi, eventName, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>> -
getGasPrice () => Promise<bigint> -
getLogs <abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>(args?: GetLogsParameters<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>) => Promise<GetLogsReturnType<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, fromBlock, toBlock>> -
getProof (args: GetProofParameters) => Promise<GetProofReturnType> -
getStorageAt (args: GetStorageAtParameters) => Promise<GetStorageAtReturnType> -
getTransaction <blockTag>(args: GetTransactionParameters<blockTag>) => Promise<{ accessList?: undefined ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId?: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice: bigint ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas?: undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "legacy" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity?: undefined } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice: bigint ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas?: undefined ; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: undefined ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip2930" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip1559" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList?: undefined ; blobVersionedHashes: readonly `0x${string}`[] ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas: bigint ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip4844" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number } | { accessList: AccessList ; authorizationList: SignedAuthorizationList ; blobVersionedHashes?: undefined ; blockHash: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : `0x${string}` ; blockNumber: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : bigint ; chainId: number ; from: `0x${string}` ; gas: bigint ; gasPrice?: undefined ; hash: `0x${string}` ; input: `0x${string}` ; maxFeePerBlobGas?: undefined ; maxFeePerGas: bigint ; maxPriorityFeePerGas: bigint ; nonce: number ; r: `0x${string}` ; s: `0x${string}` ; to: null | `0x${string}` ; transactionIndex: blockTag extends "pending" ? true : false extends true ? null : number ; type: "eip7702" ; typeHex: null | `0x${string}` ; v: bigint ; value: bigint ; yParity: number }> -
getTransactionConfirmations (args: GetTransactionConfirmationsParameters<undefined | Chain>) => Promise<bigint> -
getTransactionCount (args: GetTransactionCountParameters) => Promise<number> -
getTransactionReceipt (args: GetTransactionReceiptParameters) => Promise<TransactionReceipt> -
key string A key for the client.
multicall <contracts, allowFailure>(args: MulticallParameters<contracts, allowFailure>) => Promise<MulticallReturnType<contracts, allowFailure>> -
name string A name for the client.
pollingInterval number Frequency (in ms) for polling enabled actions & events. Defaults to 4_000 milliseconds.
prepareTransactionRequest <request, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args: PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride, accountOverride, request>) => Promise<{ [K in string | number | symbol]: (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<(…), (…)> & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)) & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)), IsNever<(…)> extends true ? unknown : ExactPartial<(…)>> & Object, ParameterTypeToParameters<request[“parameters”] extends readonly PrepareTransactionRequestParameterType[] ? any[any][number] : “type” | “fees” | “gas” | “nonce” | “blobVersionedHashes” | “chainId”>> & (unknown extends request[“kzg”] ? Object : Pick<request, “kzg”>))[K] }> -
readContract <abi, functionName, args>(args: ReadContractParameters<abi, functionName, args>) => Promise<ReadContractReturnType<abi, functionName, args>> -
request EIP1193RequestFn<PublicRpcSchema> Request function wrapped with friendly error handling
sendRawTransaction (args: SendRawTransactionParameters) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
simulate <calls>(args: SimulateParameters<calls>) => Promise<SimulateReturnType<calls>> -
simulateContract <abi, functionName, args, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args: SimulateContractParameters<abi, functionName, args, undefined | Chain, chainOverride, accountOverride>) => Promise<SimulateContractReturnType<abi, functionName, args, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride, accountOverride>> -
transport TransportConfig<string, EIP1193RequestFn> & Record<string, any> The RPC transport
type string The type of client.
uid string A unique ID for the client.
uninstallFilter (args: UninstallFilterParameters) => Promise<boolean> -
verifyMessage (args: { address: `0x${string}` ; blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; factory?: `0x${string}` ; factoryData?: `0x${string}` ; message: SignableMessage ; signature: `0x${string}` | Signature | Uint8Array ; universalSignatureVerifierAddress?: `0x${string}` }) => Promise<boolean> -
verifySiweMessage (args: { address?: `0x${string}` ; blockNumber?: bigint ; blockTag?: BlockTag ; domain?: string ; message: string ; nonce?: string ; scheme?: string ; signature: `0x${string}` ; time?: Date }) => Promise<boolean> -
verifyTypedData (args: VerifyTypedDataParameters) => Promise<boolean> -
waitForTransactionReceipt (args: WaitForTransactionReceiptParameters<undefined | Chain>) => Promise<TransactionReceipt> -
watchBlockNumber (args: WatchBlockNumberParameters) => WatchBlockNumberReturnType -
watchBlocks <includeTransactions, blockTag>(args: WatchBlocksParameters<Transport, undefined | Chain, includeTransactions, blockTag>) => WatchBlocksReturnType -
watchContractEvent <abi, eventName, strict>(args: WatchContractEventParameters<abi, eventName, strict, Transport>) => WatchContractEventReturnType -
watchEvent <abiEvent, abiEvents, strict>(args: WatchEventParameters<abiEvent, abiEvents, strict, Transport>) => WatchEventReturnType -
watchPendingTransactions (args: WatchPendingTransactionsParameters<Transport>) => WatchPendingTransactionsReturnType -

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get walletClient(): Object



Name Type Description
account undefined | Account The Account of the Client.
addChain (args: AddChainParameters) => Promise<void> -
batch? { multicall?: boolean | { batchSize?: number ; wait?: number } } Flags for batch settings.
batch.multicall? boolean | { batchSize?: number ; wait?: number } Toggle to enable eth_call multicall aggregation.
cacheTime number Time (in ms) that cached data will remain in memory.
ccipRead? false | { request?: (parameters: CcipRequestParameters) => Promise<`0x${string}`> } CCIP Read configuration.
chain undefined | Chain Chain for the client.
deployContract <abi, chainOverride>(args: DeployContractParameters<abi, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride>) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
extend <client>(fn: (client: Client<Transport, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, WalletRpcSchema, WalletActions<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account>>) => client) => Client<Transport, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, WalletRpcSchema, { [K in string | number | symbol]: client[K] } & WalletActions<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account>> -
getAddresses () => Promise<GetAddressesReturnType> -
getChainId () => Promise<number> -
getPermissions () => Promise<GetPermissionsReturnType> -
key string A key for the client.
name string A name for the client.
pollingInterval number Frequency (in ms) for polling enabled actions & events. Defaults to 4_000 milliseconds.
prepareTransactionRequest <request, chainOverride, accountOverride>(args: PrepareTransactionRequestParameters<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride, accountOverride, request>) => Promise<{ [K in string | number | symbol]: (UnionRequiredBy<Extract<UnionOmit<(…), (…)> & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)) & ((…) extends (…) ? (…) : (…)), IsNever<(…)> extends true ? unknown : ExactPartial<(…)>> & Object, ParameterTypeToParameters<request[“parameters”] extends readonly PrepareTransactionRequestParameterType[] ? any[any][number] : “type” | “fees” | “gas” | “nonce” | “blobVersionedHashes” | “chainId”>> & (unknown extends request[“kzg”] ? Object : Pick<request, “kzg”>))[K] }> -
request EIP1193RequestFn<WalletRpcSchema> Request function wrapped with friendly error handling
requestAddresses () => Promise<RequestAddressesReturnType> -
requestPermissions (args: { eth_accounts: Record<string, any> }) => Promise<RequestPermissionsReturnType> -
sendRawTransaction (args: SendRawTransactionParameters) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
sendTransaction <request, chainOverride>(args: SendTransactionParameters<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride, request>) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
signMessage (args: SignMessageParameters<undefined | Account>) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
signTransaction <chainOverride, request>(args: SignTransactionParameters<undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride, request>) => Promise<TransactionSerialized<GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never>, GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never> extends "eip1559" ? `0x02${string}` : never | GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never> extends "eip2930" ? `0x01${string}` : never | GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never> extends "eip4844" ? `0x03${string}` : never | GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never> extends "eip7702" ? `0x04${string}` : never | GetTransactionType<request, request extends LegacyProperties ? "legacy" : never | request extends EIP1559Properties ? "eip1559" : never | request extends EIP2930Properties ? "eip2930" : never | request extends EIP4844Properties ? "eip4844" : never | request extends EIP7702Properties ? "eip7702" : never | request["type"] extends undefined | string ? Extract<any[any], string> : never> extends "legacy" ? TransactionSerializedLegacy : never>> -
signTypedData <typedData, primaryType>(args: SignTypedDataParameters<typedData, primaryType, undefined | Account>) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -
switchChain (args: SwitchChainParameters) => Promise<void> -
transport TransportConfig<string, EIP1193RequestFn> & Record<string, any> The RPC transport
type string The type of client.
uid string A unique ID for the client.
watchAsset (args: WatchAssetParams) => Promise<boolean> -
writeContract <abi, functionName, args, chainOverride>(args: WriteContractParameters<abi, functionName, args, undefined | Chain, undefined | Account, chainOverride>) => Promise<`0x${string}`> -

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add(did, newProviderAddress, from, txParams?): Promise<boolean>

Add a new provider in the registry for a did.


Name Type Description
did string Identifier of the entity created
newProviderAddress string New provider address in the list of providers.
from NvmAccount Sender account.
txParams? TxParameters Transaction parameters



true if the call succeeded.

Defined in



list(did): Promise<any>

List the provider addresses for a did.


Name Type Description
did string Identifier of the entity created



Defined in



remove(did, addressToRemove, from, txParams?): Promise<boolean>

Remove a provider in the registry for a did.


Name Type Description
did string Identifier of the entity created
addressToRemove string New provider address in the list of providers.
from NvmAccount Sender account
txParams? TxParameters Transaction parameters



true if the call succeeded.

Defined in



setInstanceConfig(config): void


Name Type
config InstantiableConfig



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getInstance(..._args): any


Name Type
..._args any



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setInstanceConfig<T>(instance, instantiableConfig): void

Type parameters

Name Type
T extends Instantiable


Name Type
instance T
instantiableConfig InstantiableConfig



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