@nevermined-io/sdk - v3.1.2 / WebService
Interface describing an asset of type service
• Optional
chargeType: ChargeType
The type of charge for the service (fixed or dymanic). If fixed the amount of credits to charge will be always the same.
• Optional
encryptedAttributes: string
• Optional
endpoints: { [verb: string]
: string
; }[]
List of endpoints available for the service
• Optional
implementsQueryProtocol: boolean
Flag to indicate if the service implements the Nevermined Query Protocol. See https://docs.nevermined.io/docs/protocol/query-protocol
• Optional
internalAttributes: WebServiceInternalAttributes
• Optional
isNeverminedHosted: boolean
Flag to indicate if the service is hosted by Nevermined infrastructure. If true, the service/agent will be running using the Nevermined Backend service.
• Optional
openEndpoints: string
List of open endpoints available for the service. These endpoints are not protected. This attribute is useful to indicate which endpoints are available for public access (documentation, definitions, etc).
• Optional
queryProtocolVersion: string
The version of the Query Protocol implemented by the service.
• Optional
serviceHost: string
Host of the service where the service is running. This attribute when is given AND the service is hosted by Nevermined or implements the Query Protocol, allows to populate automatically the endpoints using the service host. Example: https://my-service.com or https://backend.nevermined.app
• Optional
type: "Other"
| "RESTful"
| "GrapQL"
| "RPC"
Type of Web service