@nevermined-io/sdk - v3.1.2 / MetaDataMain
Main attributes of assets metadata.
• Optional
algorithm: Algorithm
• author: string
Name of the entity generating this data (e.g. Tfl, Disney Corp, etc.).
'Met Office'
• dateCreated: string
The date on which the asset was created by the originator in ISO 8601 format, Coordinated Universal Time.
• Optional
datePublished: string
The date on which the asset DDO was registered into the metadata store. This value is created automatically by Metadata upon registering, so this value can’t be set.
• Optional
encryptedService: any
• Optional
ercType: ERCType
• Optional
files: MetaDataExternalResource
Array of File objects including the encrypted file urls and some additional information.
• Optional
isDTP: boolean
• license: string
Short name referencing the license of the asset (e.g. Public Domain, CC-0, CC-BY, No License Specified, etc. ). If it’s not specified, the following value will be added: “No License Specified”.
• name: string
Descriptive name of the Asset.
'UK Weather information 2011'
• Optional
nftType: NeverminedNFTType
• Optional
nonce: number
• Optional
paymentAttributes: PaymentAttributes
• Optional
service: ServiceCommon
• Optional
subType: string
Sub type asssociated to the main type of the asset. This subtype is open so final users are not restricted to use anything they need. Helps to filter by the sub type of asset, for example if type is a service, the subtype could ai-agent, web-service, web-socket-service, etc Another example, if the type is ‘dataset’ the subtype could be ‘tabular’, ‘parquet’, ‘csv’, etc
• Optional
subscription: SubscriptionMetadata
• type: "compute"
| "workflow"
| "service"
| "dataset"
| "algorithm"
| "subscription"
| "model"
| "file"
| "other"
| "assistant"
| "agent"
Type of the Asset. Helps to filter by the type of asset, initially (“dataset”, “algorithm”, “compute”, “workflow”, “model”, “file”, “subscription”, “other”, “agent”).
• Optional
updatedAt: string
The date on which the asset DDO was updated into the metadata store. This value is created automatically by Metadata upon update, so this value can’t be set.
• Optional
webService: WebService
• Optional
workflow: Workflow